Absolutely. And many of our clients have reached resolutions directly with creditors. However, we compare this with representing yourself in court. It’s highly advisable that you have a lawyer with you. The one that thing we stress when it comes to doing debt resolution on your own is this: You have to make sure that you have the correct documentation.
The correct documentation says that your accounts have been settled in full, and there’s no way that you’re going to owe anybody else in the future for this debt. Also, when you’re resolving accounts, typically you’re resolving one account at a time.
When DebtBlue resolves accounts, we’re resolving multiple accounts at a time. This gives you the benefit of a volume discount. For instance, DebtBlue may offer to settle 100 accounts with a particular account holder.
These hundred accounts may total $50,000. And of this $50,000, DebtBlue may offer $20,000 to resolve immediately. In doing so, we can get much better resolutions for our clients. In other words, DebtBlue is like Costco for the creditors and you WIN!