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Certifications & Outreach

Our commitment to doing it right.

Excellence is Our Standard

What does it mean to be accredited, and why does it matter?

Accreditation is the external recognition of adherence to a set of standards to perform an activity or hold a certain status. It can show that an organization subscribes to certain quality standards or adheres to a voluntary self-regulatory code. In addition, accreditation also serves as a seal of approval, as those who are accredited must meet trackable and auditable requirements.

DebtBlue continuously commits to voluntary reviewal, and accreditation processes to guarantee the highest quality control and adherence to industry standards, best-practices, and maintains compliance with all legal regulations at all times.

Read more about our various certifications and accreditations below!

Accreditations & Certifications

Better Business Bureau - Accredited Business

These standards are based on BBB's determination of the attributes of a better business. They incorporate not only lawful business practices, but also BBB's experience with ethical advertising, selling and customer experiences. For a business to qualify for BBB Accreditation, it must continually meet these standards.

1) Build Trust - Establish and maintain a positive track record in the industry.
2) Advertise Honestly - Follow established legal and ethical advertising and selling practices, including, but not limited to, the BBB Code of Advertising.
3) Tell the Truth - Honestly represent products and services, including clear and prominent disclosures of all material terms.
4) Be Transparent - Openly identify the nature, location, and ownership of the business, and clearly and prominently disclose all material facts that bear on a customer's decision to buy.
5) Honor Promises - Fulfill all contracts, commitments and representations.
6) Be Responsive -Address disputes forwarded by BBB quickly and in good faith.
7) Safeguard Privacy -Protect any data collected against unauthorized disclosure and fraud, collect personal information only as needed, and respect the preferences of customers regarding the use of their information.
8) Embody Integrity -Approach all business dealings, marketplace transactions and commitments with integrity, good faith and intent to do what is reasonably expected..

View our BBB Accreditation documentation here..

bsi ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:
A) demonstrates the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
B) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

View our BSI Certification documentation here.

IAPDA Platinum Accredited Service Center

The IAPDA Accredited Service Center credential validates an organization's level of commitment to staff training and certification, resulting in competitive differentiation and consumer confidence. It identifies organizations that employ a significant percentage of IAPDA certified sales, customer service and debt negotiation staff. IAPDA certifications establishes a level of comfort with consumers, creditors/collectors and legislators. It shows that a company's staff member has met important industry requirements by obtaining IAPDA certifications, recognized and trusted industry credentials.

Comsumer Debt Relief Initiative - Accredited Member

The Consumer Debt Relief Initiative (CDRI) is dedicated to the protection and promotion of the debt settlement industry. We serve our members through educational development opportunities and advocacy before lawmakers, regulators and the public. CDRI is committed to advancing the highest consumer protection standards to ensure that debt-distressed consumers have access to safe and transparent solutions to achieve financial stability.

D-U-N-S Registered: Credibility Corp

The Rating Certificate is the quality label for the business community and stands for reliability and stability. It distinguishes you as a trustworthy and attractive business partner with a stable company situation and very good payment behaviour. It shows your ability to meet your economic obligations to customers and suppliers.

Dedicated to our community & charitable contributions.

Committed to Making a Difference

Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) believes hope starts with food. As a Christian nonprofit, FMSC is dedicated to seeing every child whole in body and spirit. FMSC works with food distribution partners that stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development.

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas. The objectives of the Foundation are to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; and to contribute to improving communities in the future.