When you find yourself overwhelmed with credit card debt, it’s good to know you have options. It can be difficult when you realize you need help getting out of debt. You need a team to support you in your path to financial independence. Here are some key reasons why choosing DebtBlue is a smart decision.
The DebtBlue team has more than 20 years of experience. We have worked to develop contacts with each creditor to get your debt resolved. We are on your side to get you the maximum debt savings possible. Experience matters, and we use our years of experience to get you the best resolution possible.
When you choose DebtBlue, you are guaranteed to have a portion of your credit card debt forgiven/reduced or DebtBlue will not receive any compensation. It’s a simple as that. You are guaranteed to save money, or there is absolutely no cost to you.
We know how stressful it can be to have credit card bills, late fees and high interest rates eating up your financial future. That’s why from the moment you contact us to the minute your last debt is resolved, you will experience white glove customer service. When you have questions, we are here to answer. When you have concerns, we will help calm your fears with compassion. We know this is a big step.
We understand where you are coming from and how bright your future can be. The leaders at DebtBlue created this company because we’ve experienced first-hand how credit card debt can rob you of peace of mind, your sleep, strain your relationships and upset your quality of life. We also know the way out. We have seen relationships restored and smiles return to clients’ faces when they find out their debt has been resolved and they experience all of the benefits of finally being financially independent.
Other companies may receive compensation from the credit card companies for consolidating your credit card debt or even lowering some of your interest rates, DebtBlue is different. We work for you. We work for your best interest. From start to finish we are on your side. We have the plan, the experience, the know-how and a team of professionals on your side to help you find true financial independence. From client success, to consumer education, our quality control team and expert negotiators - DebtBlue works for you.